Personal Portfolio

My normal photographic routine is to take long, meditative walks with my camera, but occasionally I also photograph  my family, friends and pets. I don't want to live with my camera glued to my side, but  sometimes I just have to say yes.

Marpa, Modern Lovers Commune, San Francisco, 1977

Jonathan, Virginia Beach, 1985

Steven, Santa Barbara, California, 1977

Tania, New York City, 1993

Irena, New York City, 1981

Granton Mountain, New York, 1980

Mel, Modern Lovers Commune, San Francisco, 1984

M, Ithaca, New York, 1987

Doniphan, Big Sur, California, 1985

T, Goa, India, 1978

Jose, San Blas, Mexico, 1981

San Francisco, 1976

© Nicholas Blair all rights reserved
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