New York is the city of my youth and after twelve years in San Francisco, I returned to live here. The subject matter to photography is endless and my long contemplative walks therapeutic. If I didn’t go out on a specific day I would always wonder what I missed. In October 1992 I was depressed and having trouble getting out the door. The “Blessing of the Animals at Saint John the Divine” was just twelve blocks away. Finally I forced myself and was rewarded: not just with a few interesting images, but I also I met my wife and we’ve been together for 30 years.

Central Park, New York City, 1980

New York City, 1979

Museum of Modern Art, New York City, 1977

New York City, 1990

On the BQE, New York City, 1990

Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1977

New York City, 1979

New York City, 1988

New York City, 1985

Riverside Park, New York City, 1983

New York City, 1988

Under the Manhattan Bridge, New York City, 1983

© Nicholas Blair all rights reserved
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